Friday, May 18, 2007

Ce sa recrutam: cei mai buni angajati sau cei mai buni candidati ?

da, stiu ... iar ma apuca intrebarile astea complicate ! insa nu ma pot abtine sa nu observ cu placere ce exista colegi de breasla care se gandesc continuu la noi abordari si concepte in recrutare si de care ar fi bine sa beneficiem cu totii.

este vorba si de data aceasta de Lou Adler si de cateva sugestii pe care le face referitor la alegerea unui candidat foarte bun sau a unui angajat / coleg foarte bun in organizatie:

Make it as easy as possible to apply.
This means no upfront questions, no application process -- just a cut-and-paste resume, at most. You must use technology to determine if the person is strong rather than a questionnaire.

Make your job titles more descriptive, visible, and compelling in order to attract the attention of top people.
Ask your most creative marketing people for help with this. For example, "Become Our Next Rookie of the Year" will attract more top salespeople than "Sales Rep - Eastern Ohio." Then, in the first paragraph of the job description, talk about the opportunity in the job rather than list the requirements. In fact, the first two sentences of the first paragraph are the most important. Make every job unique, tying each job in some way to the company strategy. This is what is meant by job branding. It will take a lot of time to change every one of your job descriptions, but it will instantly change the caliber of the people applying. Try this just a few times to see how effective it is.

Develop sourcing strategies designed around the needs of your target audience.
This should be a combination of great online advertising, a robust career website, and advanced networking leveraging using your top current employees and related connections (alumni, associations, vendors).

Set up systems to identify and call these top people within hours after applying.
Make sure that your best recruiters make these calls to ensure that the person doesn't opt out for the wrong reasons. Then, even if the person is not appropriate for the current job, use proactive networking to obtain three or four more names of other top people from them.

Evaluate how your recruiters and managers interview these candidates.
Top employees don't want to be sold, nor do they want to discuss their behaviors. They want a chance to describe their accomplishments and find out about the challenges in the new job. This is how you use the interview to both recruit the candidate and assess their competency and motivation.

Evaluate everything else you do in your hiring process from the perspective of a top employee, not a top candidate.
Have the courage to challenge everything and everybody. Don't let company policy, culture, or some PhD or lawyer stand in your way. This is actually the hardest part of the whole process.

punctul care-mi place cel mai mult este 5 - sa evaluezi cum recrutorii si line-managerii din companie recruteaza efectiv potentialii angajati, ce abordare au si pe ce sistem se bazeaza in procesul de selectie, altfel se intampla exact ceea ce ne creeaza noua mereu batai de cap: refuzarea unor candidati doar de catre partenerii din departamentul de resurse umane (nu spun ca se intampla mereu asa, insa sunt dese cazurile in care candidatii propusi nu ajung la adevaratul decision-maker, nu ?). am scris acest articol si pentru ca ZF ne-a onorat zilele trecute cu un articol interesant despre creativitatea in recrutare pe plaiurile locale ( ) ... exista unele diferente fata de ce este scris mai sus, parca ?!?

Un week-end minunat,


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Talent Sourcing & Development Strategies

am tot petrecut de curand timp pe net cautand ce se mai vorbeste in orasul global despre strategii de sourcing pentru top talent (incep sa cred ca chiar am o problema cu termenul acesta ..., ma preocupa mult prea mult !) si am descoperit evident multa valva pe acest subiect si multe articole scrise cu pasiune si logica, dar cel mai mult mi-a atras atentia urmatorul text de pe ERE ce rezuma foarte bine starea lucrurilor la nivel global (in curand tot mai acut si pe la noi):

The business of recruiting is constantly fluid. As your organization's human capital requirements expand and contract with the business cycle, so too does the labor market as recruiting, compensation, and retention variables shift to balance talent supply with talent demand.

Articolul de pe ERE se leaga logic de un altul al lui Lou Adler (Adler Concepts - )) in care se vorbeste despre un survey facut de el pe top managerii americani din mai multe industrii si unde s-au decoperit urmatoarele:

- Eighty percent said they were not seeing enough top people.
- Eighty percent were seeing a significant decline in the quality of the candidates coming from the major job boards.
- Ninety percent said their primary online advertising piece was a posted copy of the traditional skills-based job description (this is sure to excite a top person with multiple opportunities).
- Only 10% indicated they had a comprehensive sourcing strategy in place designed to find and recruit top performers.

Destul de sumbru ... concluzia este ca fenomenul se raspandeste repede si pe la noi si vreau sa lansez in curand un market research / survey ca sa aflam cum stau lucrurile aici si daca putem face ceva ca sa prevenim efectele negative pe termen lung ... probabil ca este greu de evitat fenomenul ca atare, dar exista unele solutii pentru a atenua macar efectele, cum ziceam ...

Multumesc si o saptamana minunata !
